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  • Writer's pictureBre Podgorski

A Starter Guide on How to Produce a ShoCast Show

So you’re planning your first ShoCast show. Now the question is, how do you put together an effective virtual show that will not only sell loads of tickets, but also turn passive followers into super fans?

Here at ShoCast, we’ve learned that putting on a killer virtual show is all about trying new things, being creative in what experience you give your audience, and making the event as smooth as possible by planning it from beginning to end.

So without further ado, here are some of our tips, tricks, and recommendations on how to make your ShoCast show a raging success.


When designing your virtual show, the first thing to understand is what are you offering and why? So first, answer these two questions:

  • With the kind of audience you’ve developed, what would be the most valuable show experience - aka what would your fans want to pay to see?

  • Are you going to collaborate with anyone? Who would you work with to produce the show and what part will they play?

Design your show based on the answers to those questions, aiming for anywhere between 1-1.5 hours in length. Once you know what you are offering your audience:

  • Create a memorable show title and interesting show description that’ll let people know exactly what they’re in for when they purchase a ticket

  • Design or use an eye-catching promo picture to catch people’s attention and make them curious about what you’re doing

  • If you have footage of previous shows, either in person or virtual, use that footage to create a promo video for what people will experience at your show


  • Set your ticket prices. There are many ways to arrive at a good price. One straightforward way is to offer a comparable price to shows you know your audience has seen in the past, either in-person or virtual. Compare in entertainment and artistic value - try not to price simply based on the type of entertainment, and definitely don't undersell yourself! You can always discount prices as the show comes close.


Next, think about how you want to promote your show to get butts in seats.

Start promoting the show a month in advance by:

  • Hitting the social media channels where your fans are most active and engaged with creative marketing techniques

  • Consistently post about the show, reminding people to buy their tickets

    • These posts can be every once in a while, before ramping up as the show gets closer.

    • Don't get discouraged if tickets aren't selling quickly at first! People put off buying tickets until the last minute. Remember, you're offering your audience something of value - you're not bothering them by reminding them it's coming up!

Tech Setup:

The next thing to think about is making sure you have the proper hardware and software to run the show effectively.


  • Remember, because virtual shows on ShoCast have no overhead, investing in the proper hardware to make them look professional can pay off well in the long run.


Here's a list of the hardware required to operate ShoCast. We list first the most basic hardware needed, with a recommended higher quality product below.


  • Basic needed: Regular computer headphones

  • Recommended high quality (to use with an interface for better quality sound): Recording headphones


  • Basic needed: Computer microphone

  • Recommended higher quality (Especially for musicians): Recording Microphone

    • If you are using an external mic without an interface you will need a USB mic

    • If you are using an external mic with an interface, you will need an XLR mic with and XLR cable


  • Basic needed: Computer webcam

  • Recommended higher quality (Especially for magicians and masterclasses): High Quality External Webcam

Stronger Internet Connection:

  • Basic: Very strong wifi connection to support the streams of you and your audience

  • Recommended: Direct ethernet connection to your router


Here's a list of the hardware we recommend that you use when using ShoCast. These things are not required to produce a show, but they help raise the video and audio quality to professional levels.


  • 2i2 Interface: A two input interface will allow you to plug in your mic and your instrument if needed, where the audio of both will go directly into the live streaming platform. This will make your vocal and your instrument audio sound crisp and clean.


  • 4i4 Interface: A four input interface will allow both you and a partner to plug in yoru microphone's and instruments for higher quality sound.

Headphone Splitter (Required For More Than 1 Performer)

  • If you have two people in the room, you will need to have a splitter that comes out of your computer or interface to allow you to use two headphones at the same time.


  • Required: Latest version of Google Chrome

  • Recommended: OBS (Or a similar encoder with a virtual cam that will allow you to do overlays, multiple camera angles, and smooth scene transitions)

If you have any questions about the hardware or software needed for ShoCast, feel free to send us an email at or schedule a demo with us at

Tips for the Show:

The devil is in the details! When you are ready to go live, here are some things to keep in mind to provide a smooth experience for your audience members:

  1. Do a stream check with your other performers an hour before the show. This will guarantee that everything is looking, sounding, and feeling good before the show starts, giving you and all of your performers peace of mind

  2. Start and end the show with an onscreen image, like bookends, created as a picture overlay within OBS. This will give your show visual continuity

  3. Wait for your audience to be situated on screen before coming on stage and starting your show. The last thing you want is people coming into the room while you’re mid-show introduction

  4. During your intro, ask your onscreen audience members to keep their cameras and microphones on in order to get the full interactive experience they paid for.

  5. Ask your offscreen audience members to introduce themselves via chat to make sure they feel involved in your show

After the show:

Your first show was a hit! Now what? Here are some things you can do to solidify the connection you developed with your audience during the show, as well as set the stage for the next one.

  • Maintain relationships with your attendees via social media, thanking them for coming, and even asking them to comment their handles below show footage so you can tag them. This will give them a sense of ownership around the show, and they will be more likely to repost photos and videos you post if they are in them

  • Post show footage on your social media, whether that be with a highlight reel of moments, or clips of the show. This will give your audience members something fun to look back to in remembering the show, and also can be used as promo material for future shows

  • If you are already wanting to produce another show in the future, let your audience know!


And there you have it! Those are the ShoCast teams tips, tricks, and recommendations for putting on a killer virtual show.

Want to get started but don’t have an account? Reach out to us at and we’ll get you set to go!

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